Friday, April 16, 2010

Just a couple of Friday things...

Just a couple of unrelated things, not of any real import, that have floated through my brain lately.

Sometimes people will say, "He has his mother's eyes." Turns out that was true. Just like my mother, and her father, my eyes apparently have a genetic predisposition for early onset cataracts. Apparently everyone eventually gets cataracts if you manage to stay within this mortal coil long enough. For a few lucky folks, long enough is pretty short, 45 to 50 years. I'm one of those lucky few.

Having completed the overhaul of my right eyeball, it's apparent that I had managed to cruise a lot further into Mr. Magoo-land than I thought. My vision in my right eye is now crystal clear from about arms length out to near infinity. Left eye not so much...but it will be fixed on the 28th. Binocular vision will be a good thing.

In trying to obtain an Arkansas teaching license through reciprocity, I found I needed to order transcripts from three different schools. Two of the schools are public institutions and one is a private, for profit institution. Vastly different experiences.

For the one public institution, I had to down load and print out a form from the internet. After filling it out, the quickest way I could get it moving toward me was to fax the form and pay 150% more than the normal fee so it would be rush processed and take less than a month to get to me (actual estimate from the website).

For the second public institution, I had to download and fax a similar form, but the transcript was free and has about a one week arrival estimate. No options for speeding up that process.

For the private, for profit institution, I called a toll free number, provided some verifying information to the pleasant woman on the phone, and had the transcript sitting in my email inbox before I hung up the phone about 3 minutes later. No cost but 3 minutes of my time. Just some food for thought as we transition from private entity health care payment systems to government controlled/mandated health care payment systems.

Take care..t