Wednesday, October 14, 2009

No bling...

or more correctly... Nobel-ing.

Yep, I too woke up late last week, started a scroll through my iGoogle reader feeds and thought that I had inadvertently oversubscribed to The Onion. Obama and a Nobel Peace prize...really?

After mulling it over for a while, no actual mulled wine being involved but a Guinness or two might have been lubricating the brain cell during part of the mulling period, I discovered that I really don't care if he got it...good on Him.

I looked around a bit and can find no source that indicates that any U.S. tax payer money goes to fund the awarding of the prize and I certainly didn't send any dollars that way. Since it's not my money... I have no problem with it. They, being the they that actually funds the money that comes with the award doohickey, can spend their money on anyone they want.

I do have some small concern for teachers in the U.S. though. Since the standard has been set that you don't have to actually accomplish something to be rewarded for it, I fear that teachers throughout the U.S. will be inundated with students demanding A's for being able to tell the teacher about how great they were at doing their homework while not actually turning said homework in to the teacher.

It was a bit sad though... Norway only really had two things going for it and they've managed to devalue one of them. I will gladly change my opinion about this if anyone can provide me with a source of something He has actually done that made the world more peaceful or safer (those two concepts being inextricable linked). I'll even be generous and not stick to the February 1 deadline.

Don't talk to me about those speeches either. Not a single one of the dangerous folks in the world have made a single move to be less dangerous or more peaceful since He has been running around on the "America is scum, I'm here to save you" tour.

But again...their prize, their money...not my problem. There has been some on the interwebs that have suggested drinking was involved in the selection process. While I can find no evidence that this is not true...I really don't have a problem with it. I'm of the opinion that consumption of alcohol was involved in the creation of the greatest nation on Earth (I'm talking about U.S. of A for all you statist who have been drinking from His kool-aid cup). How else do you get a bunch of successful businessmen and farmers to put EVERYTHING (property, freedom, life itself) on the line for a vaporous concept such as liberty? Alcohol had to be involved in there somewhere.

So now it seems that Norway only has one thing going for it...their Jedi mind trickery seems to still be going pretty strong. Not much of a way, except by Jedi mind trickery, to be able to convince so many of the psycho-green statist that the Norway version of socialism is just grand. A brand of socialism that is funded for the most part on the Norwegians' ability and penchant for plopping down huge petroleum extracting mechanisms (more commonly known as oil wells) in an area that makes the ANWR look like a Brooklyn city park that has been taken over by drug addicts and sex peddlers.

I guess I really need to buy a program...can't tell the players without a program. It's apparently fine with the psycho-green statists that Norway can endanger the North Sea with their petroleum extraction because it's for socialism. Doing the same in the name of capitalism however is a whole 'nother story. Kind of like the film dipsticks that made a movie declaring that commercial aviation is currently the biggest danger to our planet...the same dipsticks that then plopped their fannies into commercial jets to all fly to one place to congratulate themselves on figuring out that commercial aviation was the biggest danger to our planet. They apparently decided their cause was important enough to endanger the planet....but yours is not.

So congratulations to Mr. Obama. Hopefully, he will be able to accept the prize while still on U.S. soil...just so Ms. Obama won't have to make the sacrifice of another taxpayer funded holiday in Europe.

..take care... tim b

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