Sunday, November 22, 2009

Random Mumblings

Just a few random mumblings during a rest period....

I've started substituting at the local school system. So far all the jobs have been at the West Fork Middle School. I've gotten a couple of calls from the high school and elementary but they came after I had already committed to jobs at the middle school.

While I was teaching at the high school level I always thought that teachers and other staff who chose to be at middle schools were somewhat loony. After having spent several days in middle school classrooms now, I've come to the conclusion that middle school isn't as loony from the inside as it appears from the outside. Maybe it's must that West Fork is different but I'm having a pretty good time so far.

Autumn has certainly descended upon us here on our hill in the upper west corner of Arkansas. The leaves have mostly fallen off the branches and chilly rain makes a regular appearance. There are still some days though when one can shuck off the coat while outside.

Having recently acquired a tractor with a front bucket on it, I've developed a great deal of appreciation for how much aches and pains hydraulics can save you. The part of the firewood pile that we are using right now is stacked by the garage door...on the lowest level of the house. We had been carting it up to the main level one double sized milk crate load at a time. It was doable but did require some effort. Now with the tractor, I fill up the bucket with wood, drive it around to the front of the house and lift the bucket up to porch level and stack it in a rack on the porch. Then when I need wood I don't have to schlep it up stairs..just a short walk from porch to fireplace or stove. Yeah hydraulics.

With winter approaching I'm starting to see reminders that every household should have 3 days (sometimes 5 days is recommended) of food and water for each individual in the home. This recommendation has come from all levels of government.... local, state, and federal. This is certainly a good idea and we have complied. We could actually eat for a couple of weeks with the food in the house...though those last few meals might have some odd combinations of dishes.

These governmental admonishments though did get me to thinking about what is actually being said. All levels of government are stating that they believe they won't be able to help for 3 to 5 days if the general condition runs over to the crisis column... I'm good with that, at least they are admitting their shortcomings. So, they believe they won't be able to even deliver help that takes zero specialized training and can be done by most of the adult population in an area.... pile water and food into a vehicle and drive it to someplace. If they won't be able to find this level of help to send your way for 3 to 5 days...I wonder how long it would take them to find and dispatch help that requires specialized training and equipment...say a police officer.

This of course leads to thinking about plans for self help if some dipstick decides to take advantage of the general crisis and visit evil upon you and your loved ones. I know some of you are now thinking..."Migoi, don't you live 10 miles from the nearest town and that is the reason for the time delay in help." While it is true we live out a bit, we heard the same admonishments and warning from the government when we lived in suburbia.

We have a self help, dipstick removal plan well in place... do you?

...take care... t

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